Definition of Coral vine

1. Noun. Prostrate or twining woody vine with small leathery leaves and umbels of red flowers; Australia and Tasmania.

Exact synonyms: Kennedia Coccinea
Generic synonyms: Coral Pea

Definition of Coral vine

1. Noun. A species of flowering plant, native to western Australia, with red or scarlet flowers. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Coral Vine

coral bleaching
coral bush
coral calculus
coral drops
coral fungus
coral gem
coral honeysuckle
coral necklace
coral pea
coral reef
coral reefs
coral root
coral snake
coral snakes
coral tree
coral vine
coral vines

Literary usage of Coral vine

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Flora of the Rocky Mountains and Adjacent Plains, Colorado, Utah, Wyoming by Per Axel Rydberg (1917)
"L. DODDER, LOVE-VINE, CORAL-VINE. Characters of the family. Stigmas elongate, linear; styles equal; ..."

2. The Isles of Summer, Or, Nassau and the Bahamas by Charles Ives (1880)
"The coral vine bears a blossom of the same color and shape, and runs in wild profusion over all the atone walls and hedges, but has no odor. ..."

3. Field-farings: A Vagrant Chronicle of Earth and Sky by Martha McCulloch Williams (1892)
"Unless, indeed, she lingered till the coral- vine was in berry. The flexile, green, tough, slender stem has almost the strength of steel, and is beset all ..."

4. Due South: Or, Cuba Past and Present by Maturin Murray Ballou (1889)
"We observed that the stone walls and hedges were now and again covered for short spaces with the coral-vine, whose red blossoms, so pleasing to the eye, ..."

5. The Mediterranean and Its Borderlands by Joel Cook (1910)
"... has written that " the industries of Capri are fishing, especially for coral, vine-dressing, and begging — the last being pursued with great diligence. ..."

6. The Mediterranean and Its Borderlands by Joel Cook (1910)
"... has written that " the industries of Capri are fishing, especially for coral, vine-dressing, and begging — the last being pursued with great diligence. ..."

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